No matter the project size and needs, we always prefer to work in permanent collaboration with our client’s teams. Our experience has taught us that this practice is the key to be successful.

In order to achieve a smooth collaboration, constant communication and a good project management are the most important concepts to implement and maintain.

Another crucial aspect for our job is to have a high qualified and experienced background support performing a deep control of every project’s state, being able of going further and give the appropiate support to push them forward in the case of an issue.

That way we get can ensure nobody ever gets stuck and slows down the expected project speed.

A big benefit of this working model is the fact that we are able to horizontally leverage the knowledge of each working team and sharing it along with our customers.

The job can be done either on customer environment, or by using our own infrastructure.

That means that we can work through a terminal connection session (RDP), or otherwise do our job locally, and then push the changes over a secure connection (VPN) using any preferred version control software.

We work per hour or project basis, depending on the client’s needs.